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Rewilder Guide!
Point others to their natural state of lovere·wild /rēˈwīld/
restore to its natural uncultivated state
guide /gīd/
a person who advises or shows the way to others
A Rewilding Guide is someone who uses their experiential knowledge of their essential nature to point to the rewilded state of innate wellbeing, wisdom, infinite potential, and love in service to awakening in consciousness and enjoying life.
The world needs people who are willing and want to be guides
who light the way for others toward more peace of mind,
greater inner freedom, and a deeper experience of the natural state of Love.
Sharing and Being of Service
- Are you inspired to be of service?And are you turned off by coaching programs that focus on getting high fee clients and working as little as possible?
This came into my inbox recently.
"Let’s Build You A $50K+/Month Digital Personal Brand That Generates High-Ticket Clients Consistently Without Working More Than One Hour Per Day."
If you love what you do, why would you want to limit your work to one hour a day?
- What is most important for being a Rewilding Guide is grounding in spiritual understanding and being open to awakening to consciousness.
I am inspired to support people who feel called to be of service and support others with waking up to who they are so they can experience more enjoyment and success in their relationships and life. Rewilding allows people to embrace the full range of human experience while staying open to their true nature.
I've been trained as both a licensed psychotherapist and a transformative coach. I will bring over ten thousand hours of experience working with clients to support you with becoming the best guide possible. Holding space for another's true nature to emerge and express more fully is an incredible blessing and gift.
- Practice Building PhilosphyExperience your True Nature more fully and be willing to share what you see.
- This is for you if you want to:
- Deepen your understanding of where the experience of fear and limitation comes from.
- Experience greater inner freedom and peace of mind.
- Step forward to authentically share what you see.
- Become more impactful sharing.
- Build your practice and be of service.
What holds you back from getting clients?
In my experience with developing coaches and therapists, the biggest blocks to developing the business side of their practice are:
- Not having impact with clients.
- Buying into thoughts of limitation and fear.
Impact results from grounding in your understanding of where change comes from. It is based on lived experience. It is what you see and know. This program sees your personal grounding in understanding who you are as essential to your practice. In order to be a good guide, you need to know the territory of your natural state first hand.
Fear is based on the misunderstanding that your wellbeing lies outside of you. Being of service is how you override fear. It is not about you. How you feel and how you look are not important in the equation of supporting others. Now is the time to get over yourself for your own freedom as well to enable you to point others to their natural state.
Six-month program
This is a virtual program.
Weekend 1 2021 Dates TBD
Reclaiming the Wild
As guides, it is important to be willing to walk the journey of opening to your true nature and to have the courage to step into the full embodiment of the human experience as the path to experiencing your essential nature of love.
Weekend 2 2021 Dates TBD
Seeing the Health in the Wild
The innate intelligence behind life is always expressing. It is important to be able to see the wisdom in the unfolding with compassion and empathy.
Weekend 3 2021 Dates TBD
Listening to the Wild
Deep listening is the hallmark for holding space for another as they uncover their own wisdom. Refusing to make any assumptions and having an open mind needs to be remembered.
Weekend 4 2021 Dates TBD
Waking up to the Taming of Bias and Conditioning
We all live in our separate realities that reflect our level of consciousness. Waking up to our own conditioning and seeing the infinite potential of this allows you to meet your clients with greater compassion, empathy, and curiosity.
Weekend 5 2021 Dates TBD
The Unfolding of Impact and Progress
There is no end to waking up to who we are. As a guide on this journey seeing the fullness of this potential and deepening your own experience of this is key.
Weekend 6 2021 Dates TBD
Integration and Celebration
Time to demonstrate all you have learned and celebrate together!
- During the class weekendsThe class weekends will be a time to let yourself settle so you can replenish and open to new possibilities. There will be large group lessons, demonstrations and Q&A, small group explorations, and solo time for reflection.
Each weekend will include:
- Skill Development
- Client Supervision
- Practice Building
- In Between Class WeekendsWe will have...
- Small Group meetings twice per month for supervision and practice building
- Guest Faculty Webinars
- 2 Peer Guiding Sessions per month
- Record one session per month and complete written assignments related to your coaching session.
- Participate as a Mentor in the Rewilding Community
- Be available for 1 hour of Guiding per week for the Rewilding Community
This training is informed by the teachings of Sydney Banks.
Guest Faculty Webinars 2020-21
Claire Shutes
Mavis Karn
Janet Rhynie
Beverley Wilson Hayes
Ami Chen Mills-Naim
George Pranksy
Linda Pranksy
Karen Vega
Angus Ross
Sharon Kingbird
Elsie Spittle
- Application Process
This is a need-blind application process for members of the Rewilding Community. To become a member of the Rewilding Community click here.
Rewilding Community participants will be accepted into the program based on their fit for the program, not their ability to pay the full tuition.
This program is open to all. It is the intention for this to be a diverse and inclusive cohort. Selections will be made based on the review of the application and in some cases an interview. There are a limited number of spaces. If you are interested, you are encouraged to apply early to support the admissions process.
- Class Schedule and Tuition
Class Times (in Pacific Time US):
Friday Evening 7 pm to 9 pm*
Saturday 9 am to 3 pm*
Sunday 9 am to 3 pm*
It will be possible to watch Friday night recordings before class starts on Saturday morning.
*All end times are approximate
Class Weekend Dates
Start October 2021 Dates TBD
Classes will be delivered virtually on Zoom until the public health restrictions lift. Then they will be offered in-person and virtually.
Tuition is $5000 USD or six payments of $875. Partial and full scholarships are available.
Admission into the program is needs blind for Rewilding Community Members
Space is limited. Apply now to be considered!
- Program Requirements
Record sessions with clients.
Committed to doing the inner and the outer work of being a guide and building a practice.
Participate in two monthly Peer Guiding Sessions.
Be an active mentor in the Rewilding Community through sharing your experience and by supporting others by responding to their shares in the Community group.
Participate in small group sessions regularly.
Be actively providing coaching sessions during the time of the training either with paid or unpaid clients.
Be available for 1 hour of free 1:1 coaching a week available exclusively to Rewilding Community Members.
Participate live in the six-weekend trainings or catch up with the recordings.
Lead at least 1 FB Live in the Rewilding Community sharing your insights and answering Q&A over the six months.
Hi! I'm Rohini Ross
I am a licensed therapist and a certified transformational coach. I have been working with clients for over 15 years and supervising coaches and therapists for over ten years.
I am running this program because I want to support a diverse group of individuals with becoming masterful with pointing others to their natural state of love. This program is available to anyone who is a good fit and who truly wants to be of service.
Please share if you know someone you think would be interested. I need help getting this information to people who are not in my community. The intent of this program is to increase diversity among practitioners by making this program accessible to all folx regardless of race, sexuality, gender, socio-economic status, and ability.
It is the misunderstanding of who we are that creates suffering. This misidentification negatively impacts all areas of life including relationships, success, emotional stability, mental stress, and negative behaviors.
This program will develop guides who are excellent at pointing people home within themselves so they can live life fully and enjoy the human experience more no matter what area of life they are suffering in. Rewilding applies to all areas of life.
The world needs people who are courageous enough to do their own inner exploration and kind enough to point others to their natural state of love, inner freedom, peace, and wellbeing.
Have Questions?
Please reach out!
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