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Coaching Packages
Coaching with Angus
Hourly and Monthly Coaching
I believe there is an intelligence behind life that is constantly trying to feed and inform our human experience. I believe that the orientation of this intelligence is to direct us to live life to its fullest creative potential.
My first role as coach and trainer is to point my clients in the direction of this wisdom and help them see how their minds work. There are many examples of this wisdom in action. The only real challenge is that people can get way too attached to their own stale thinking, and are unable to see how the intelligence behind life is a much better resource. This is where I underscore the value in recognizing the illusory nature of thought and suggest that this is how people limit themselves. It can be a hard nut to swallow, but when people get this, the scope for positive change is immeasurable.
Coaching with Rohini
6-Month Coaching Package
This is an opportunity for ongoing coaching support with Rohini. Working with Rohini is an educational process in keeping with the Latin root word ēducāre meaning “to draw out what is already there.” It is a remembering process, in the spirit of Eduardo Galeano’s interpretation of recordar: to pass back through the heart. Her work focuses on drawing out the innate wisdom within you, so you can connect more deeply with your unique gifts and share them with the world. You will see how you have the infinite capacity to create and re-create your experience.
As you connect more fully with your true nature, insights occur naturally. You will see possibilities that were invisible to you before, and achieving goals becomes as simple as listening to your common sense.Rohini works with a limited number of 1:1 clients for 6-month coaching packages for $12,000 USD. She also offers 1:1 intensives and a 1-year apprenticeship program for practitioners.
- Contact us to set up an exploratory call.
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