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Sheela Masand

October 14, 2022

The Three Principles were introduced to Sheela in 2010 and since then her business has pretty much been infused with it’s unique and undeniably transformative magic in the form of organising events, coaching & mentoring and more recently publishing her first book.

She has been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to organise, mentor and participate in trainings and retreats with Jack Pransky since 2012 in her home country, Spain, and online. Her love of all things business from her past life as an importer of food and drink, her 13 year old coaching practice and her understanding of the Principles gives her an effective springboard and solid ground from which to help her clients not only grow their businesses/practices, but deepen their own grounding.

Sheela’s first love is to help people understand that love and peace are our true nature because when that happens, there is a ripple effect and maybe, just maybe, the whole world will feel the love and peace that is our birthright.

She has two beautiful grown up daughters and is Grandma to her first precious grandson who is her best teacher. Being a Grandma is the best job in the world!

Visit Sheela's Website: