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Danielle Hogan

October 22, 2022

So when I thought about writing this bio I kept wondering what to put. Mother? Wife? Daughter?College graduate? Teacher? Professional? Veteran? Although I have cherished and loved living and experiencing these different roles in my life currently or in the past, they don't define who I am. Since coming into the understanding of the 3 principles I realize that what I am is LOVE.

I am created from it. Every single atom seeped in it. When my form is returned to the earth I am and will always be LOVE. But you're that same LOVE too.

Unconditional love is how the divine creator loves us. It is without judgement, conditions, or expectations. Loving unconditionally is going to evolve and change humanity one person at a time. As your guide, I will be there to hold space with you and to love you unconditionally.

My name is Danielle Hogan and let's unplug from the matrix together while I guide you to seeing and feeling the LOVE that you are.